Results for "Concept"


  • Bioinformatics algorithms tutorials

    Useful bioinformatics tutorial, such as De Bruijn Graphs for NGS AssemblyAlgorithms for PacBio ReadsSoftware and Hardware Concepts for BioinformaticsFinding us in (Search Algorithms)NGS Genome and RNAseq Assembly - a Hands on PrimerIntroduction to PERL, Python, R and C/C++ for Bioinfo...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, NGS, Tutorial, Algorithms, Concept

    3596 days ago

  • What is the hologenome concept of evolution?

    All multicellular organisms are colonized by microbes, but a gestalt study of the composition of microbiome communities and their influence on the ecology and evolution of their macroscopic hosts has only recently become possible. One approach to thinking about the topic is to view the host&ndash...

    Tags: What, hologenome, concept, evolution

    1180 days ago

  • "IdeasLab"* workshop !

    A new, grant-funded opportunity seeks early career researchers interested in life's origins: Applications are invited to an all-expenses paid position at a 5-day "IdeasLab"* workshop to be held near Prague CZ in June 2022. Thirty successful applicants wil...

    Tags: idea, lab, idealab, evolution, concept

    816 days ago