Results for "Correction"


  • Efficiency of #PacBio long read #correction by 2nd generation #Illumina sequencing

    Tags: PacBio, correction, Illumina

    2069 days ago

  • NxRepair: error correction in de novo assemblies using Nextera Mate Pair Reads

    NxRepair is a python module that automatically detects large structural errors in de novo assemblies using Nextera mate pair reads. The decector will break a contig at the site of an identified misassembly and will generate a new fasta file containing both the corrected contigs and the correct, u...

    Tags: NxRepair, error, correction, denovo, assembly, Nextera, Mate, Pair, Reads

    1929 days ago

  • Rcorrector: efficient and accurate error correction for Illumina RNA-seq reads

    Rcorrector has an accuracy higher than or comparable to existing methods, including the only other method (SEECER) designed for RNA-seq reads, and is more time and memory efficient. With a 5 GB memory footprint for 100 million reads, it can be run on virtually any desktop or server. The software ...

    Tags: Rcorrector, efficient, accurate, error, correction, Illumina, RNA-seq, reads

    1552 days ago

  • medaka: Sequence correction provided by ONT Research

    medaka is a tool to create a consensus sequence from nanopore sequencing data. This task is performed using neural networks applied from a pileup of individual sequencing reads against a draft assembly. It outperforms graph-based methods operating on basecalled data, and can be competitive w...

    Tags: medaka, Sequence, correction, ONT, Research, nanopore

    1449 days ago