Results for "Count"


  • perl -nle '$count += () = /XY[0-9]+/g; END {print $count}' inputfile #Count #Perl #Perloneliner

    Tags: Count, Perl, Perloneliner

    3640 days ago

  • Count the total number of lines in a file. my $total=@{[<INFILE>]}; #Perl #Count #Number #Total #File

    Tags: Perl, Count, Number, Total, File

    3610 days ago

  • Count the number of "pattern" occurrence in a file grep -o 'pattern' anc.annots.gff | wc -l #Linux #grep #Count #Number #Occurrence

    Tags: Linux, grep, Count, Number, Occurrence

    3609 days ago

  • Count the number of occurrence of pattern in a file using Perl. perl -e '$_ = <>; print scalar ( () = m/needle/g ), "\n"' #Perl #Perloneliner #Count #Occurrence

    Tags: Perl, Perloneliner, Count, Occurrence

    3609 days ago

  • To count number of fasta entries, I use: grep -c '^>' mySequences.fasta #Perl #Count #Number #Fasta #Linux #Grep

    Tags: Perl, Count, Number, Fasta, Linux, Grep

    3569 days ago

  • Count the number of sequences in fastaq file. grep -c '^@' sample1.fq #Fastaq #Count #Number #Grep #Dirty #Oneliner #NGS

    Tags: Fastaq, Count, Number, Grep, Dirty, Oneliner, NGS

    3154 days ago

  • How to count the occurance of letters in fasta file?

    I received a new genome to annotated. I need your help to quickly count the occurance of all the letters in fasta file.

    Tags: Fasta, Count, Letters, ATGC, N, Others, Script

    2958 days ago

  • Count the number of bases in fasta file. grep -v ">" file.fasta | wc | awk '{print $3-$1}' #Fasta #Count #Bases

    Tags: Fasta, Count, Bases

    2501 days ago

  • Count the contigs length in index fasta file with samtools. $ awk '{s+=$2}END{print s}' scaffolds.fasta.fai #Fasta #Index #Length #Count #Size #Samtools

    Tags: Fasta, Index, Length, Count, Size, Samtools

    2137 days ago

  • EyeChrom: Visualizing Chromosome Count Data From Plants

    It's goal is to show chromosmal data per genus. Select the genus, and the plot will show the records found for it in the Chromosome Counts Database. note: Report an issue via Gihub: and

    Tags: EyeChrom, Visualizing, Chromosome, Count, Data, From, Plants

    1937 days ago