Results for "Cytoscape"


  • MineshJ

    Skills: C, C++, JAVA, Perl, Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL, HTML, XML, R, Matlab, Schrodinger, Discovery Studio, MOE, ChemDraw, Marvin, Modeller, Cytoscape, Cell Designer

    2134 days ago

  • Cytoscape

    Cytoscape is an open source software platform for visualizing complex networks and integrating these with any type of attribute data. A lot of Apps are available for various kinds of problem domains, including bioinformatics, social network analysis, and semantic web.

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Cytoscape, Software, Platform, Visualization, Networks, GO

    2918 days ago

  • ClueGO: a Cytoscape plug-in that visualizes the non-redundant biological terms for large clusters of genes

    ClueGO is a Cytoscape plug-in that visualizes the non-redundant biological terms for large clusters of genes in a functionally grouped network and it can be used in combination with GOlorize. The identifiers can be uploaded from a text file or interactively from a network of Cytoscape. The type o...

    Tags: ClueGO, Cytoscape, plug-in, visualizes, non-redundant, biological, terms, large, clusters, genes

    1375 days ago