Results for "DNA"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Bourque Lab

    ...gulation and the impact of genome rearrangements in evolution and cancer. As a computational genomicists our work involves examining billions of DNA base pairs and interpreting h...

    1931 days ago

  • Genome Informatics Section Lab ! at the NIH’s National Human Genome Research Institute and contribute to the development of new reference genomes and computational methods for DNA sequencing and analysis. Both...

    1556 days ago

  • Gamper Lab

    Lab focuses on examining the mechanisms governing the signalling pathways from DNA damage sensing to the activation of stress-response genes. The long-term goal is to find proteins...

    1130 days ago

  • The Lysak Lab

    We investigate genome evolution across the plant kingdom at different levels of complexity:   •DNA sequences (NGS-based genome analysis) •Chromosomes (chromosome rearrangements, k...

    1209 days ago