Results for "Genotyping"


  • High Density Sheep SNP Genotyping Chip released!!!

    If you are working on Sheep genomics then there is a good news for you. FarmIQ in conjunction with Illumina and the International Sheep Genomics Consortium (ISGC) are today announcing completion of the “Ovine Infinium® HD SNP BeadChip”, a high definition SNP chip for ship gen...

    Tags: ovine, sheep, mutation, SNP, genotyping, illumina

    4035 days ago

  • VG: variation graph data structures, interchange formats, alignment, genotyping, and variant calling methods

    Variation graphs provide a succinct encoding of the sequences of many genomes. A variation graph (in particular as implemented in vg) is composed of: nodes, which are labeled by sequences and ids edges, which connect two nodes via either of their respective ends paths, describe genomes,...

    Tags: VG, variation, graph, structures, interchange, formats, alignment, genotyping, variant, calling, methods, snp

    1698 days ago

  • MALVA: Genotyping by Mapping-free ALlele Detection of Known VAriants

    MALVA is able to genotype multi-allelic SNPs and indels without mapping reads MALVA calls correctly more indels than the most widely adopted genotyping pipelines Mapping-free approaches are as accurate as alignment-based ones, while being faster More at

    Tags: MALVA, Genotyping, Mapping-free, ALlele, Detection, Known, VAriants, snp

    1698 days ago