Results for "Identification"


  • OrthoGNC: A Software for Accurate Identification of Orthologs Based on Gene Neighborhood Conservation

    Orthology relations can be used to transfer annotations from one gene (or protein) to another. Hence, detecting orthology relations has become an important task in the post-genomic era. Various genomic events, such as duplication and horizontal gene transfer, can cause erroneous assignment of o...

    Tags: OrthoGNC, Software, Accurate, Identification, Orthologs, Gene, Neighborhood, Conservation

    2359 days ago

  • SISRS: Site Identification from Short Read Sequences

    Next-gen sequence data such as Illumina HiSeq reads. Data must be sorted into folders by taxon (e.g. species or genus). Paired reads in fastq format must be specified by _R1 and _R2 in the (otherwise identical) filenames. Paired and unpaired reads must have a fastq file extension.

    Tags: SISRS, Site, Identification, Short, Read, Sequences

    1980 days ago

  • GRIDSS: the Genomic Rearrangement IDentification Software Suite

    GRIDSS is a module software suite containing tools useful for the detection of genomic rearrangements. GRIDSS includes a genome-wide break-end assembler, as well as a structural variation caller for Illumina sequencing data. GRIDSS calls variants based on alignment-guided positional de Bruijn gra...

    Tags: GRIDSS, Genomic, Rearrangement, IDentification, Software, Suite

    1444 days ago