Results for "Inversions"


  • Computer simulation of genetic mechanism !!

    ...biological evolution invertFREGENE InvertFREGENE is a forward-in-time simulator of inversions in population genetic data ht...

    2968 days ago

  • Structural variation: the hidden genomic treasure

    ...such as deletions, insertions, duplications, inversions and translocations litter cases of adaptive evolution. For example, inversions have been associated with eco...(Large insertions, translocation, deletion, inversions....)  Tools table: http...

    2696 days ago

  • Chromosome breakpoint - a breakup to remember

    ...eakpoint and the nature of the rearrangement, such as translocations, inversions, deletions, or duplications....slocations can be inherited without any apparent phenotypic effects. Inversions occur when a chromosome segme...

    418 days ago