Results for "Jain"


Wire posts

  • #100Days #ML #Coding

    1908 days ago

Opportunity posts

  • SRF Vacancy at NIPGR

    ...Approach for Stress Tolerant Chickpeaā€¯ under the guidance of Dr. Mukesh Jain, Scientist, NIPGR. (A) Sen...given format will be accepted. Last date April 03, 2014 Dr. Mukesh Jain Staff Scientist National In...

    3831 days ago


  • Chirag Lab at IISc

    My research lab develops efficient computational algorithms for data-intensive problems in biology. In response to challenging computational problems, we design solutions that are provably-good, scalable in practice, and useful for life scientists to draw new insights from high-throughput data. ...

    Tags: Chirag, Jain, IISc, India

    2 days ago