Results for "Long"


  • Bioinformatics definitions and applications !!!

    There have been long discussion amongst several specialized/expert educator regarding bioinformatics arena, but everyone explain bioinformatics with their own view. I tried to explain it with a cartoon. Hope you all will like it.

    3879 days ago

  • Download blasr 1.3 version view -S -h -b -F 0x4 - | /usr/local/bin/samtools sort -@ 20 -no - temporarySam > FALCON-Unzip-Scaff.bamMapping long-reads using blasr.../home/urbe/Tools/SSpace/SSPACE-LongRead_v1-1/blasr -nproc 40 -m 1...

    2143 days ago

  • Evaluation of genome assembly software based on long reads

    ...n , Miniasm, Newbler , SGA Assembler, Smartdenovo, Abruijn, Ra, DBG2OLC, Spades and Cerulean. The first 8 software use only long reads, while the 3 last software can merge long and short reads

    1912 days ago

  • Spades tutorial PDF

    ...NA sequencing. With time, the functionality of SPAdes was extended to enable assembly of IonTorrent data, as well as hybrid assembly from short and long reads (PacBio and Oxford Nano...

    816 days ago