Results for "Master"


  • List of universities offering Bachelor, Master or PhD bioinformatics degree in Malaysia

    Bioinformatics is a newly emerging interdisciplinary research area, which may be defined as the ―interface between biological and computational sciences. Most of the Bioinformatics work that is done can be described as analyzing biological data, although a growing number of projects deal with the...

    Tags: University, Bachelor, Master, Bioinformatics, Degree, Malaysia, Future, Scope, Hope, Reality, Challenges

    2502 days ago

  • List of universities offering Bachelor or Master bioinformatics degree in Pakistan

    There are a lot of universities offering Bachelor or Master degree in Pakistan. Following are the list of few intitute/universities Bachelor/ BS Bioinformatics at1. Al-khair University, Bhimber2. Government College University, Faisalabad3. University Of Agriculture, Faisalabad4. Comsats Institut...

    Tags: List, University, Bachelor, Master, Degree, Pakistan, Future, Scope, Bioinformatics

    2503 days ago

  • NAAB Doak Graduate Fellowship bovine genomics course

    This is a reminder for all that seek a fully funded MSc in bovine genetics, or those that know talented BSc students who want to progress their education. The deadline for the NAAB Doak Graduate Fellowship is less than a month away. Applications are accepted until the 1st of December. ...

    Tags: Bovine, genomics, master, course, NAAB, Doak, Graduate, Fellowship

    1612 days ago