Results for "Model"


  • PSPairwise Sequentially Markovian Coalescent (PSMC) model

    Implementation of the Pairwise Sequentially Markovian Coalescent (PSMC) model

    Tags: Pairwise, Sequentially, Markovian, Coalescent, PSMC, model, genomics, population

    2200 days ago

  • SimLoRD: A read simulator for third generation sequencing reads

    SimLoRD is a read simulator for third generation sequencing reads and is currently focused on the Pacific Biosciences SMRT error model. Reads are simulated from both strands of a provided or randomly generated reference sequence. The reference can be read from a FASTA file or randomly gener...

    Tags: SimLoRD, read, simulator, third, generation, sequencing, reads, Pacific, Biosciences, SMRT, error, model

    2075 days ago

  • GraphPath: A graph attention model for molecular stratification with interpretability based on the pathway-pathway interaction network

    Achieving accurate and interpretable clinical predictions requires paramount attention to thoroughly characterizing patients at both the molecular and biological pathway levels. In this paper, we present GraphPath, a biological knowledge-driven graph neural network with multi-head self-attention ...

    Tags: GraphPath, graph, model, pathway-pathway, interaction, network

    30 days ago

  • Rotifers Lab

    For scientists in the MBL’s Gribble Lab, the rotifer (Brachionus manjavacas) is used as a model organism to study evolution, stress responses, the biology of aging, and maternal effects. Rotifers are small, easy to grow in the lab, have a short lifespan, and share many of their genes with humans....

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Rotifers, Evolution, Model

    415 days ago