Results for "Molecules"

Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    ...such as the three-dimensional modeling of biomolecules and biologic systems. ..." -...ics = is conceptualizing biology in terms of molecules (in the sense of physical-che...nergies). In virtual screening, a library of molecules is tested on the computer for...

    3960 days ago

  • Phylogenetic for Bioinformatics

    ...f agreement in the molecular structure of these substances, while the molecules of organisms distantly relate...rsity of organisms Molecular phylogeny is the use of the structure of molecules to gain information on an org...

    3959 days ago

  • List of In-silico Binding Site Prediction Tools

    ...tion of the effect of modifications to small molecules that bind to the active and/o...potential drugs as well as modified protein molecules. While there are a few sites defined by interactions with small molecules. The output is a detailed lis...

    3757 days ago

  • Binding Site Prediction in Protein !

    The interaction between proteins and other molecules is fundamental to all biological functions. In this sect...he structure of the intermolecular complex formed between two or more molecules (docking). Pockets Identific...

    2215 days ago