Results for "Open Source"


  • Perl Poem: Parse it in both Perl and English!

    Larry's, er, corpus has fortunately been overshadowed by that of the reigning Perl Poe...#!/usr/bin/perl APPEAL: listen (please, please); open yourself, wide;join (you, me)...*not*die (like this)if sin abounds; keys (hidden), open (...

    3910 days ago

  • Bioinformatician special skills !!

    Bioinformatician and Computational biologist are the only programmers on Earth who can explain multiplication and...*(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?$/; perl -ne 'BEGIN{$/=">"}if(/^s*(S+)/){open(F...

    3887 days ago

  • BioGeek Fun

    1. A futuristic computational biology student was told to write "It is in my gene!!!" on the board 100 times as a...ore interesting message in Perl found …. It will must tickle you bone :) open(m...

    3693 days ago