Results for "PIPE"


  • List of bioinformatics workflow management tools !

    ...em scripting language for working with big data pipelines in computer systems of d...ies. [ paper-2014 | web ] Bpipe – A small language...p;– A fluent DSL modelled around the UNIX pipe concept, that simplifies writ...

    1134 days ago

  • Installing Bandage on Ubunty !

    ...bin/uic ui/changenodedepthdialog.ui -o ui_changenodedepthdialog.hg++ -c -pipe -O2 -std=gnu++0x -Wall -W -D_...I. -I../../anaconda3/mkspecs/linux-g++ -o main.o program/main.cppg++ -c -pipe -O2 -std=gnu++0x -Wall -W -D_...

    2181 days ago

  • AWK for beginners !

    ...oobar"); # => prints foobar # Reads a line from standard input and stores in localvar getline localvar; # Reads a line from a pipe (again, use a string so you c...

    1828 days ago