Results for "Rectangle"



  • Randomness and Probability

    ...eal number between 0 and 1. The similar examples are that the entropy measures the uncertanity; product of length and width measures the area of rectangle etc. Please see “A mat...

    1613 days ago



  • DotPlot with Perl GD

    ...hash{y}})){ $img->setPixel(($x0 + ($del * $xd)), ($y0 + ($del * $yd)), $black); } } %hash = (); } dbmclose %TEMPFILE; $img->rectangle($x0, $y0, ($x0 + ($del * $xle...

    2692 days ago


  • Rectangle Graph for Repeat Resolution in Genome Assembly

    Ultimate tool for resolving repeats in genome assemblies. Though the specific implementation of the idea of the rectangle graph approach is already included into the current SPAdes distribution, we're also releasing the Rectangle Graph Module (RGM) as the separate code which can be run inde...

    Tags: Rectangle, Graph, Repeat, Resolution, Genome, Assembly

    2319 days ago