Results for "Redirect"


  • How to redirect MIRA temporary file to non-NFS mounted location ?

    I run MIRA on my dataset and got the following error. I have /tmp directory mounted on non-NFS protocol. I wanted to use it for temporary location. How to do that? Sorry, M new to MIRA. WARNING WARNING WARNING! It looks like the directory MIRA uses for temporary files /home/user/MIRA/mira_4.0...

    Tags: MIRA, TMPDIR, tmp, Redirect, Mount, Run, NFS

    2546 days ago

  • NCBI Datasets pages

    Update! Assembly and Genome record pages now redirect to new NCBI Datasets pages. NCBI Datasets is a new resource that makes it easier to find and download genome data. Learn more: #NCBICGR Effective July ...

    Tags: Assembly, Genome, Record, pages, redirect, NCBI, Datasets

    292 days ago