Results for "Signaling Pathway"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Donnelly Centre of Cellular & Biomolecular Research (CCBR), Bader Lab

    ...ic molecular interactions, in eukaryotic cell signaling systems using comprehensive g...ugh the development of open-source biological pathway and network databases and vis...rocesses using molecular profiles Biological pathway and network databases and ana...

    3941 days ago

  • Eivind Hovig's Lab

    Bioinformatics relevant research topics are: genomic scale studies endogenous mechanisms of mutations, germ line...of information in the nucleus gene silencing metastatic cross-talk kinase signali...

    3889 days ago

  • Pandey Lab biology, analytical chemistry and computational biology with various "Omics" technologies including genomics and proteomics to understand signaling pathways and to identify therapeutic...

    3873 days ago

  • Genome Stability Laboratory

    The bakers yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an ideal model organism to understand mec...vers are formed through a highly conserved MSH4p-MSH5p, MLH1p-MLH3p dependent pathway. We are interested in charact...

    2974 days ago

  • Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Ramming

    ...the treatment of fibrotic and synovitic autoimmune diseases. His group is therefore deal with the molecular mechanisms of these misdirected signaling pathways for the development of novel...

    1726 days ago

  • Troyanskaya Lab

    The goal of our research is to interpret and d...e analysis and modeling of molecular pathways, particularly those in which...ntegrative methods for systems-level pathway modeling through biological problems, such as how pathways function in diverse cell typ...

    1545 days ago