Results for "User"

Top-level pages

  • Installing ELGG on Ubuntu !

    ...number.) Login to the server as root user, using the mysql cl...; create database elggalpha; Grant access to a user — for this example we'l...riteBase /) and add the line:RewriteBase /~your-user-id/elgg/alpha/ Be sure to sa...

    886 days ago

  • Elgg Installation steps !

    ...ew password: password Re-enter new password: password Remove anonymous users? [Y/N] Y Disallow root logi...ole, create a new database. CREATE DATABASE elgg; Create a new MySQL user and grant it privileges to th...

    600 days ago

  • Mitochondrial genome assembly tools !

    ...drial genome assembly. It supports various sequencing technologies and allows for reference-based or de novo assembly. NOVOPlasty: NOVOPlasty is a user-friendly tool designed for de...

    236 days ago