Results for "assembly"


  • Evaluation of genome assembly software based on long reads

    TGS technologies have been used to produce highly accurate de novo assemblies of hundreds of microbial genomes and highly contiguous reconstructions of many dozens of plant and animal genomes, enabling new insights into evolution and sequence diversity. They have also been applied to resequencing...

    Tags: Evaluation, genome, assembly, software, long, reads

    1912 days ago

  • Sample bandage input file for visual analysis

    Sample bandage input file for visual analysis ...

    Tags: bandage, assembly, genome, visual, analysis, file, input

    1207 days ago

  • Spades tutorial PDF

    SPAdes—St. Petersburg genome Assembler—was originally developed for de novo assembly of genome sequencing data produced for cultivated microbial isolates and for single-cell genomic DNA sequencing. With time, the functionality of SPAdes was extended to enable assembly of IonTorrent da...

    Tags: spades, assembly, protocols, tutorials, steps, methods

    816 days ago