Results for "error"


  • Golden Rules of Bioinformatics

    All constant are variable. Copy and paste is a genetic error. First solve the problem, then write the code. No matter what goes wrong, it will probably look right. Any simple p...

    4054 days ago

  • The Best Bioinformatics / Computational Biology Quotes

    ...tually have several genomes. I'm BioGeek. Fedup with LIPS, try God script. Idiot, Go ahead, make my data! Thank god, my genome just compiled. Error message: "Out of space on gen...

    3859 days ago

  • BioGeek Fun

    ...ring :)   5. Perl messageif ($1) { print “Just found a the error in chromosome !!!, yahoo…”; else { “That is not error, but mutation you moron!&rdqu...

    3840 days ago