Results for "flags"


  • BBTools for bioinformatician !

    ...pping small RNA's with BBMap use the following flags to report only perfect matche...use the "copyundefined", "hdist", and "qhdist" flags together for a lot of the same sensitivity as BBMap by adding the flags "minid=0.76 maxindel=16k minh...

    2263 days ago

  • Basic command-line to run BLAST \ -evalue 1e-5 \ -outfmt 6 \ -max_target_seqs 1 Summary Review: command line programs such as blast use flags to get information about how...

    2236 days ago

  • Install ImageMagick from Unix Source

    ...cking for gcc option to accept ISO C99... (cached) none neededchecking CFLAGS for maximum warnings... -Wall...or C compiler vendor... (cached) gnu./configure: line 9486: AX_COMPILER_FLAGS: command not foundchecking CF...

    2138 days ago

  • Understanding reads mapping and flags !

    Linear Alignment: An alignment of a read to a single reference sequence that may include insertions, deletions, skips and clipping, but may not include...

    1829 days ago