Results for "plots"


  • Estimate Genome Size

    # Count k-mer occurrence using Jellyfish 2.2.6 jellyfish count -t 8 -C -m 19 -s 5G -o 19mer_out --min-qual-char=? sread_1.fastq sread_2.fastq # points for a histogram jellyfish histo -o 19mer_out.histo 19mer_out #Plot results using R ##load the data into dataframe19 dataframe19

    2257 days ago

  • Estimate Genome Size with Jellyfish and R

    jellyfish count -t 8 -C -m 19 -s 5G -o 19mer_out --min-qual-char=? /common/Tutorial/Genome_estimation/sample_read_1.fastq /common/Tutorial/Genome_estimation/sample_rea...

    2238 days ago

  • Downloading GATK !

    ...s PlotDenoisedCopyRatios (BETA Tool) Creates plots of denoised copy ratios PlotModeledSegments (BETA Tool) Creates plots of denoised and segmented cop...

    2068 days ago

  • Generates a genome coverage plot with R

    library(CoverageView) ##draw a coverage plot for a test case BAM file #get a BAM test file treatBAMfile

    2048 days ago