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  • BioScripts
  • Neel
  • Perl script introduces control structures, arrays and hashes.

Perl script introduces control structures, arrays and hashes.

  • Public
By Neel 3097 days ago
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; my @first_array = ('DNA', 'ATGCGTGC', 5, 'RNA', 'AUGC'); print $first_array[0], "\n\n"; # Scalar gives actual size of an array my $size_of_array = scalar(@first_array); my $another_way_of_getting_size_of_array = @first_array; # implicit way print "Scalar of array: $size_of_array\n\n"; print "Perl's index size of array: $#first_array\n\n"; print "Another way of getting size: $another_way_of_getting_size_of_array\n\n"; # Control Loop: for for (my $i=0; $i<=$#first_array; $i++) { print "Perl's array index: $i\n\n"; print "$first_array[$i] \n\n"; } my %sequence = ('DNA' => 'ATCGATGCT', 'RNA' => 'AUGC', 'Number of seqs' => 2 ); print $sequence{'DNA'}, "\n"; # Control Loop: foreach foreach my $key (sort (keys %sequence)) { print "Key of hash is $key\tValue of hash is $sequence{$key}\n\n"; }