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Perl subroutine for reading multifasta file !

  • Public
By Aaryan Lokwani 2382 days ago
sub readfasta { (my $file)=@_; my %sequence; my $header; my $temp_seq; #suppose fasta files contains multiple sequences; open (IN, "<$file") or die "couldn't open the file $file $!"; while (<IN>) { chop; next if /^\s*$/; #skip empty line if ($_ =~ /^>/) #when see head line { $header= $_; if ($sequence{$header}){print colored("#CAUTION: SAME FASTA HAS BEEN READ MULTIPLE TIMES.\n#CAUTION: PLEASE CHECK FASTA SEQUENCE:$header\n","red")}; if ($temp_seq) {$temp_seq=""} # If there is alreay sequence in temp_seq, empty the sequence file } else # when see the sequence line { s/\s+//g; $temp_seq .= $_; $sequence{$header}=$temp_seq; #update the contents } } return \%sequence; }