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#Install python to local directory
#Firstly, I create a folder in my home directory, download the python source and extract it
mkdir ~/python
cd ~/python
tar zxfv Python-2.7.11.tgz
find ~/python -type d | xargs chmod 0755
cd Python-2.7.11
#Then I compiled the source following its guideline
./configure --prefix=$HOME/python
make && make install
#Notice the prefix option, it is mandatory for this to work. The value of prefix option is to specify where to put the #related output of make command, by default it is in the /usr/local/ and we don't want that so we use our own #customized directory.
#Here comes another important step. By the default, if we type python command, it will use the default python of #the system. We are going to update the environment variables to force the shell to use our new python. Edit #~/.bashrc_profile and add the following lines:
export PATH=$HOME/python/Python-2.7.11/:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/python/Python-2.7.11
#Finally, refresh the current session by running the command:
source ~/.bashrc_profile
#You might need to logout and login again for the environment to update properly. At this point, you should be #able to see a new python. To check, run this command:
which python
#it should show you the path to the python binary file, which is located in your home directory: ~/python/Python-#2.7.11/python
Install pip
#Pip is a program used to help us easily install python packages After installing python locally as described in #the first step, it is very easy to install pip.
#Run the following command to install pip as a local user
wget --no-check-certificate -O - | python - --user
#After finishing the installation, we need to update our PATH variable. Open ~/.bashrc_profile and add the #following line:
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
#Again, reload the session by the command source ~/.bashrc_profile or logout and login. Then, check if pip #command is available:
which pip
#It should show a path pointing to your local directory: ~/.local/bin