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Create random 5 inversions in genome !

  • Public
By Jit 1447 days ago
(base) ➜ dupStudy git:(master) ✗ perl ../simuG.pl -refseq simuCNV.simseq.genome.fa -inversion_count 5 -prefix simuINV [Sun Jan 10 16:30:40 2021] Starting simuG .. [Sun Jan 10 16:30:40 2021] Check specified options .. Running simuG for inversion simulation >> Ignore all options for translocation simulation. This simulation use the random seed: 639103429 The option inversion_count has been specified: inversion_count = 5 The option inversion_min_size has been specified: inversion_min_size = 1000 The option inversion_max_size has been specified: inversion_max_size = 100000 [Sun Jan 10 16:30:40 2021] Introducing random Inversions based on the following parameters: > inversion_count = 5 > inversion_min_size = 1000 > inversion_max_size = 100000 [Sun Jan 10 16:30:40 2021] Simulation completed! :) [Sun Jan 10 16:30:40 2021] Generating output files .. Generating the correspondance map for genomic variants introduced during simulation: simuINV.refseq2simseq.map.txt Generating reference-based vcf file for genomic variants introduced during simulation: simuINV.refseq2simseq.inversion.vcf [Sun Jan 10 16:30:40 2021] Done! :)