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Write bash in perl script !

  • Public
By Jit 1394 days ago
#use strict; use warnings; use ExtUtils::Installed; use LWP::Simple; use Archive::Extract; # # First, check if all the required modules have been installed in the system and download the mandatory database # BEGIN { my @import_modules = ( 'Cwd', 'File::chdir', 'File::Copy', 'POSIX', 'Tie::File', 'Try::Tiny', 'Data::Dumper', 'File::Basename', 'Bio::SeqIO', 'FindBin', 'File::Remove', 'Capture::Tiny', 'File::Temp', 'File::Spec::Functions', 'Statistics::Multtest', 'File::Path', 'Statistics::Distributions', 'Getopt::Long', 'Statistics::R', 'Math::Round', 'File::Find', 'Bio::DB::Taxonomy', 'Pod::Usage', ); my ($inst) = ExtUtils::Installed->new(); my (@installed_modules) = $inst->modules(); for ( @import_modules ) { eval{ $inst->validate($_) }; if($@) { print qq{\n Module $_ NOT OK!\n }; #exit 1; } # end 'if' else { print "\n Module $_ OK!\n";} } # end 'for' } # end 'BEGIN' block #Bash script else here print "\nDownloading third party database for Alienomics\n"; print << `EOC`; # execute command and get results set -o xtrace echo hi there; #wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/taxdump.tar.gz; echo "----"; echo "Jit here"; sleep 9s #wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/taxdump.tar.gz; echo "JJ" EOC