Alternative content
#use strict;
use warnings;
use ExtUtils::Installed;
use LWP::Simple;
use Archive::Extract;
# First, check if all the required modules have been installed in the system and download the mandatory database
my @import_modules = (
my ($inst) = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
my (@installed_modules) = $inst->modules();
for ( @import_modules ) {
eval{ $inst->validate($_) };
if($@) {
print qq{\n Module $_ NOT OK!\n };
#exit 1;
} # end 'if'
else { print "\n Module $_ OK!\n";}
} # end 'for'
} # end 'BEGIN' block
#Bash script else here
print "\nDownloading third party database for Alienomics\n";
print << `EOC`; # execute command and get results
set -o xtrace
echo hi there;
echo "----";
echo "Jit here";
sleep 9s
echo "JJ"