Results for "Coding"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Vvek's Lab

    Broad Area of Research: RNA biology (microRNA, lncRNA), Stem cells, Functional genomics, Epigenomics and Cancer RNAs, especially non-coding RNAs (such as microRNA, long ncRNAs) are...

    3864 days ago

  • Gupta Lab

    ...e key expertise of the lab is in error-correcting codes. We also work in classical and quantum information processing principles with expertise in coding theory and its wide variety o...

    3875 days ago

  • Anders Krogh Lab things as discriminative estimation of HMMs (refs) and alternative decoding algorithms etc. (refs). No...terests are in gene regulation, where we work on promoter analysis; non-coding RNA, where miRNAs and structu...

    3860 days ago

  • Bergman Lab

    ...of functional biological features in genome sequences. Bergman Lab work focuses on improving annotation of non-protein-coding regions of the genome including conserved noncoding sequences (CNSs), cis-regulat...

    3857 days ago

  • RNA Bioinformatics and High Throughput Analysis Jena

    Research Topics: High Throughput Sequencing Analysis Comparative Genomics Identification and Annotation of Non-coding RNAs Bioinformatic Analysis and System Biology of Viruses...

    3820 days ago

  • Chekulaevalab

    ...on, localization and stability and role of non-coding RNAs in this process. Up to 9...estimated to be transcribed into so called non-coding RNAs that are not translated...pression. miRNAs are a class of such short non-coding RNAs. They regulate expressio...

    3027 days ago