Results for "Puzzles"


  • Foldit: Solve Puzzles for Science

    Foldit is an online puzzle video game about protein folding. It is part of an experimental research project developed by the University of Washington, Center for Game Science, in collaboration with the UW Department of Biochemistry. The objective of Foldit is to fold...

    Tags: Foldit, Solve, Puzzles, Science, Protein

    2318 days ago

  • Interview Puzzles for Bioinformatician !

    These are some of the most famous Interview Puzzles being asked in top tech companies.Here is a list of Top 25 puzzles which have been asked in top Tech Interview. 2 Eggs and 100 Floor Classic Puzzle Five pirates and gold coin Puzzle Six pirates and Gold Coin puzzle Probability of having bo...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Interview, Puzzles

    2111 days ago