Results for "Ranking"


  • SuRankCo: supervised ranking of contigs in de novo assemblies

    SuRankCo is a machine learning based software to score and rank contigs from de novo assemblies of next generation sequencing data. It trains with alignments of contigs with known reference genomes and predicts scores and ranking for contigs which have no related reference genome yet. https://bm...

    Tags: SuRankCo, Supervised, Ranking, Contigs, Assemblies

    2529 days ago

  • Updated ranking of institutes and countries based on developed biological databases

    Updated ranking of institutes and countries based on developed biological databases is available at , India is maintaing 4th position and "Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh" is on 3rd Position (after EBI and NCBI). This is a big achievement for any institute to...

    Tags: database, ranking, India

    1932 days ago