Results for "Reads"


  • Scaffolding of a bacterial genome using MinION nanopore sequencing

    ...uencers, so the genomic order of several generated contigs cannot be easily resolved. A new generation of sequencers offering substantially longer reads is emerging, notably the Paci...

    3216 days ago

  • Simons Genome Diversity Project hundred diverse human populations All genomes in the dataset were sequenced to at least 30x coverage using Illumina technology. The sequencing reads were mapped and genotyped usi...

    1084 days ago

  • Pilon input a FASTA file of the genome along with one or more BAM files of reads aligned to the input FASTA fi...entify inconsistencies between the input genome and the evidence in the reads. It then attempts to make imp...

    3000 days ago

  • HiCdat

    HiCdat: a fast and easy-to-use Hi-C data analysis tool HiCdat is easy-to-use and provides solutions starting from aligned reads up to in-depth analyses. Importantly, HiCdat is focus...

    2997 days ago

  • LAST

    LAST can: Handle big sequence data, e.g: Compare two vertebrate genomes Align billions of DNA reads to a genome Indicate the reliability of each aligned column. Use se...

    2970 days ago

  • RNA-Seq De novo Assembly Using Trinity

    ...quentially to process large volumes of RNA-seq reads. Trinity partitions the seque...ual graphs in parallel, tracing the paths that reads and pairs of reads take withi...eq data like so: Trinity --seqType fq --left reads_1.fq --right reads_2.fq --CPU...

    2957 days ago

  • PAired-eND Assembler for DNA sequences

    PANDASEQ is a program to align Illumina reads, optionally with PCR primers embedded in the sequence, and reconstruct an overlapping sequence.   More at

    2943 days ago

  • Sequence assembly with MIRA 4

    MIRA is a multi-pass DNA sequence data assembler/mapper for whole genome and EST/RNASeq projects. MIRA assembles/maps reads gained by electrophoresis sequencing (aka Sanger se...

    2943 days ago

  • RACA: Reference-Assisted Chromosome Assembly

    ...nd orient sequence scaffolds generated by NGS and assemblers into longer chromosomal fragments using comparative genome information and paired-end reads.

    2943 days ago

  • PEAR: a fast and accurate Illumina Paired-End reAd mergeR

    ...nts a statistical test for minimizing false-positive results. Together with a highly optimized implementation, it can merge millions of paired end reads within a couple of minutes on...

    2942 days ago