Nadia Baig |
Question: How to install LoRDEC?
Hi! I want to install LoRDEC using the following tutorial ( I am not able to install it in my linux system. Actually the 4th point of this installation tutorial is quite confusing. I am not able to change the variables in make file . Please see the make file of tool. # external resources |
You might need to install libboost (I presume you are using Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
its not working. actually first few lines of this make file needs to be changed. I am not able to figure out that part.
— Nadia Baig 2041 days ago
It is certainly off topic, but HALC is the best choice for correction of long PacBio reads, when both, read size and quality, are the main focus of the analysis.
Lordec is not very useful and surprisingly hectic
Thanks neelam. To install HALC both BLASR and Lordec are needed.
Try HECIL, a new long read correction tool.
getting this error while compiling using make command.
++ lordec-correct.cpp -Igatb-core-1.1.0-Linux/include/ -std=c++0x -O2 -c
lordec-correct.cpp:43:40: fatal error: boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Makefile:67: recipe for target 'lordec-correct.o' failed
make: *** [lordec-correct.o] Error 1
— Nadia Baig 2042 days ago