fastq-dump --split-spot path/to/local/file/SRR649944.sra
you have to use "-M 0" or else end up with unpaired reads, due to fastq-dump discarding small reads but keeping its pair.
— Rahul Nayak 2038 days ago
I always prefer EBI: This way is better than fastq-dump. EBI has fastq files to squarely download and use.
got to EBI
replace SRR121576 with your id name.
By the way , did you tried this
fastq-dump --split-3 *.sra
I guess this is for paired end data. I have single end pacbio reads. Anyways thanks !
— Nadia Baig 2038 days ago
It works for bith type of data ...
--split-3 will output 1,2, or 3 files: 1 file means the data is not paired. 2 files means paired data with no low quality reads or reads shorter than 20bp. 3 files means paired data, but asymmetric quality or trimming.
— Neel 2038 days ago
Can you please share your command used ?