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Question: Question: Can anyone suggest me a bioinformatics pipeline management tools ?

1809 days ago

Question: Can anyone suggest me a bioinformatics pipeline management tools ?

Hi, I am looking for a bioinformatics pipeline management tools to manage my new bioinfo pipeline. Can anyone at BOL suggest me an easy to use tool. 


There's lots of tools for pipelines in Python. They are sophisticated that helps you decompose an analysis into parts and runs it robustly.

  • Snakemake is my favourite. It's (nearly) pure Python and can generate reports.
  • Nextflow is growing in popularity and is pretty straightforward
  • Ruffus used to be reasonably popular, seemed fine when I used it
  • Bpipe is for bioinformatics
  • Airflow is a more industrial "big" solution but in wide use

    Other useful list of pipelines used in data science are at list of pipeline systems