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Question: Question: Palgoin installation return this warning ?

1132 days ago

Question: Palgoin installation return this warning ?

For Linux 64, Open MPI is built with CUDA awareness but this support is disabled by default.
To enable it, please set the environment variable OMPI_MCA_opal_cuda_support=true before
launching your MPI processes. Equivalently, you can set the MCA parameter in the command line:
mpiexec --mca opal_cuda_support 1 ...

In addition, the UCX support is also built but disabled by default.
To enable it, first install UCX (conda install -c conda-forge ucx). Then, set the environment
variables OMPI_MCA_pml="ucx" OMPI_MCA_osc="ucx" before launching your MPI processes.
Equivalently, you can set the MCA parameters in the command line:
mpiexec --mca pml ucx --mca osc ucx ...
Note that you might also need to set UCX_MEMTYPE_CACHE=n for CUDA awareness via UCX.
Please consult UCX's documentation for detail.