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List of bioinformatics packages for NGS analysis !

Package suites gather software packages and installation tools for specific languages or platforms. We have some for bioinformatics software.

  • Bioconductor – A plethora of tools for analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data, including 1500+ software packages. [ paper-2004 | web ]
  • Biopython – Freely available tools for biological computing in Python, with included cookbook, packaging and thorough documentation. Part of the Open Bioinformatics Foundation. Contains the very useful Entrez package for API access to the NCBI databases. [ paper-2009 | web ]
  • Bioconda – A channel for the conda package manager specializing in bioinformatics software. Includes a repository with 3000+ ready-to-install (with conda install) bioinformatics packages. [ paper-2018 | web ]
  • BioJulia – Bioinformatics and computational biology infastructure for the Julia programming language. [ web ]
  • Rust-Bio – Rust implementations of algorithms and data structures useful for bioinformatics. [ paper-2016 ]
  • SeqAn – The modern C++ library for sequence analysis.