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  • Step-by-Step Guide to Running Genome Assembly

Step-by-Step Guide to Running Genome Assembly

Genome assembly is a critical process in bioinformatics, enabling the reconstruction of an organism's genome from short DNA sequence reads. Whether you’re working on a new microbial genome or a complex eukaryotic organism, this guide will walk you through the steps of genome assembly using state-of-the-art tools and best practices.

What is Genome Assembly?

Genome assembly involves piecing together short DNA sequence reads generated by sequencing platforms (e.g., Illumina, PacBio, Oxford Nanopore) into longer, contiguous sequences called contigs. This can be performed as:

  • De Novo Assembly: Without a reference genome.
  • Reference-Guided Assembly: Using a reference genome to guide the assembly process.

Step 1: Preparing Your Data

Before starting the assembly, ensure that your raw sequencing data is high quality.

  1. Input Data

    • Short Reads: Illumina sequencing generates short, accurate reads ideal for scaffolding.
    • Long Reads: PacBio and Nanopore sequencing provide long reads for resolving repetitive regions.
  2. Quality Control (QC)
    Use tools like FastQC or MultiQC to assess the quality of your reads:

    fastqc reads.fastq multiqc .

    Look for issues like low-quality bases, adapter contamination, or overrepresented sequences.

  3. Read Trimming and Filtering
    Trim low-quality bases and adapters using Trimmomatic or Cutadapt:

    trimmomatic PE reads_R1.fastq reads_R2.fastq trimmed_R1.fastq trimmed_R2.fastq \ ILLUMINACLIP:adapters.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 MINLEN:36

Step 2: Choosing an Assembly Strategy

Select an assembly strategy based on your data type:

  • Short-Read Assemblers:

    • SPAdes: Popular for microbial genomes.
    • Velvet: Fast for smaller genomes.
  • Long-Read Assemblers:

    • Canu: Ideal for long-read datasets.
    • Flye: Versatile for small and large genomes.
  • Hybrid Assemblers:

    • MaSuRCA: Combines short and long reads.
    • Unicycler: Optimized for bacterial genomes.

Step 3: Running the Assembly

3.1. SPAdes (Short-Read Assembly)

SPAdes is an excellent choice for small genomes, such as bacteria.

spades.py -1 trimmed_R1.fastq -2 trimmed_R2.fastq -o spades_output

The output includes assembled contigs (contigs.fasta) and scaffolds (scaffolds.fasta).

3.2. Canu (Long-Read Assembly)

Canu is designed for high-error long reads from PacBio or Nanopore.

canu -p genome -d canu_output genomeSize=4.7m -nanopore-raw reads.fastq

The output will be in canu_output/genome.contigs.fasta.

3.3. Hybrid Assembly with Unicycler

Unicycler combines short and long reads for improved assemblies.

unicycler -1 trimmed_R1.fastq -2 trimmed_R2.fastq -l long_reads.fastq -o unicycler_output

Step 4: Assessing Assembly Quality

After assembly, evaluate its quality using the following tools:

  1. QUAST
    QUAST generates assembly statistics, such as N50, genome size, and GC content:

    quast contigs.fasta -o quast_output
  2. BUSCO
    BUSCO checks genome completeness by identifying conserved genes:

    busco -i contigs.fasta -o busco_output -l fungi_odb10 -m genome
  3. Assembly Graph Visualization
    Visualize assembly graphs with Bandage:

    Bandage load assembly_graph.gfa

Step 5: Post-Assembly Steps

  1. Polishing
    Improve assembly accuracy using tools like Pilon (for short reads) or Racon (for long reads).

    racon long_reads.fasta mapped_reads.sam contigs.fasta > polished_contigs.fasta
  2. Scaffolding
    Link contigs into scaffolds using tools like SSPACE or Opera-LG if required.

  3. Annotation
    Annotate the assembled genome using Prokka for prokaryotes or Maker for eukaryotes.

    prokka --outdir annotation_output --prefix genome contigs.fasta

Step 6: Sharing and Archiving

  1. Submit to Public Repositories
    Share your assembly in databases like NCBI GenBank, ENA, or DDBJ.

  2. Metadata Preparation
    Include detailed metadata for your submission, such as organism name, sequencing platform, and coverage.

Best Practices

  • Always perform quality checks at each stage to ensure data integrity.
  • Use multiple tools to cross-validate results when working with complex genomes.
  • Document parameters and software versions for reproducibility.


Genome assembly is a powerful process that transforms raw sequencing data into a coherent representation of an organism’s genome. By following this step-by-step guide, you can successfully assemble genomes and uncover valuable biological insights. Whether you’re assembling a microbial genome or tackling the complexities of a eukaryotic genome, these tools and strategies will set you on the path to success.