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  • Deepbinner: a signal-level demultiplexer for Oxford Nanopore reads

Deepbinner: a signal-level demultiplexer for Oxford Nanopore reads


Deepbinner is a tool for demultiplexing barcoded Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads. It does this with a deep convolutional neural network classifier, using many of the architectural advances that have proven successful in image classification. Unlike other demultiplexers (e.g. Albacore and Porechop), Deepbinner identifies barcodes from the raw signal (a.k.a. squiggle) which gives it greater sensitivity and fewer unclassified reads.

  • Reasons to use Deepbinner:
    • To minimise the number of unclassified reads (use Deepbinner by itself).
    • To minimise the number of misclassified reads (use Deepbinner in conjunction with Albacore demultiplexing).
    • You plan on running signal-level downstream analyses, like Nanopolish. Deepbinner can demultiplex the fast5 fileswhich makes this easier.
  • Reasons to not use Deepbinner:
    • You only have basecalled reads not the raw fast5 files (which Deepbinner requires).
    • You have a small/slow computer. Deepbinner is more computationally intensive than Porechop.
    • You used a sequencing/barcoding kit other than the ones Deepbinner was trained on.