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Detail annotation of genes !


gene_info recalculated daily
one line per GeneID
Column header line is the first line in the file.
Note: subsets of gene_info are available in the DATA/GENE_INFO
directory (described later)

the unique identifier provided by NCBI Taxonomy
for the species or strain/isolate

the unique identifier for a gene
ASN1: geneid

the default symbol for the gene
ASN1: gene->locus

the LocusTag value
ASN1: gene->locus-tag

bar-delimited set of unofficial symbols for the gene

bar-delimited set of identifiers in other databases
for this gene. The unit of the set is database:value.
Note that HGNC and MGI include 'HGNC' and 'MGI', respectively,
in the value part of their identifier. Consequently,
dbXrefs for these databases will appear like:
This would be interpreted as database='HGNC', value='HGNC:1100'
Example for MGI:
This would be interpreted as database='MGI', value='MGI:104537'

the chromosome on which this gene is placed.
for mitochondrial genomes, the value 'MT' is used.

map location:
the map location for this gene

a descriptive name for this gene

type of gene:
the type assigned to the gene according to the list of options
provided in https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/IEB/ToolBox/CPP_DOC/lxr/source/src/objects/entrezgene/entrezgene.asn

Symbol from nomenclature authority:
when not '-', indicates that this symbol is from a
a nomenclature authority

Full name from nomenclature authority:
when not '-', indicates that this full name is from a
a nomenclature authority

Nomenclature status:
when not '-', indicates the status of the name from the
nomenclature authority (O for official, I for interim)

Other designations:
pipe-delimited set of some alternate descriptions that
have been assigned to a GeneID
'-' indicates none is being reported.

Modification date:
the last date a gene record was updated, in YYYYMMDD format

Feature type:
pipe-delimited set of annotated features and their classes or
controlled vocabularies, displayed as feature_type:feature_class
or feature_type:controlled_vocabulary, when appropriate; derived
from select feature annotations on RefSeq(s) associated with the