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  • chromeister: An ultra fast, heuristic approach to detect conserved signals in extremely large...

chromeister: An ultra fast, heuristic approach to detect conserved signals in extremely large pairwise genome comparisons.


chromeister: An ultra fast, heuristic approach to detect conserved signals in extremely large pairwise genome comparisons.


  • -query: sequence A in fasta format
  • -db: sequence B in fasta format
  • -out: output matrix
  • -kmer Integer: k>1 (default 32) Use 32 for chromosomes and genomes and 16 for small bacteria
  • -diffuse Integer: z>0 (default 4) Use 4 for everything - if using large plant genomes you can try using 1
  • -dimension Size of the output matrix and plot. Integer: d>0 (default 1000) Use 1000 for everything that is not full genome size, where 2000 is recommended