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  • InteractiVenn: a web-based tool for the analysis of sets through Venn diagrams

InteractiVenn: a web-based tool for the analysis of sets through Venn diagrams


InteractiVenn, a more flexible tool for interacting with Venn diagrams including up to six sets. It offers a clean interface for Venn diagram construction and enables analysis of set unions while preserving the shape of the diagram. Set unions are useful to reveal differences and similarities among sets and may be guided in our tool by a tree or by a list of set unions. The tool also allows obtaining subsets’ elements, saving and loading sets for further analyses, and exporting the diagram in vector and image formats. InteractiVenn has been used to analyze two biological datasets, but it may serve set analysis in a broad range of domains.

More at https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-015-0611-3
