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  • Sequence Ontology Bioinformatics Analysis (SOBA) tool to provide a simple statistical and graphical...

Sequence Ontology Bioinformatics Analysis (SOBA) tool to provide a simple statistical and graphical summary of an annotated genome


We have developed the Sequence Ontology Bioinformatics Analysis (SOBA) tool to provide a simple statistical and graphical summary of an annotated genome. We envisage its use during annotation jamborees, genome comparison and for use by developers for rapid feedback during annotation software development and testing. SOBA also provides annotation consistency feedback to ensure correct use of terminology within annotations, and guides users to add new terms to the Sequence Ontology when required. SOBA is available at http://www.sequenceontology.org/cgi-bin/soba.cgi.

More at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20494974/