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  • ULTRA (ULTRA Locates Tandemly Repetitive Areas) : Effective Labeling of Repetitive Genomic Sequence

ULTRA (ULTRA Locates Tandemly Repetitive Areas) : Effective Labeling of Repetitive Genomic Sequence


ULTRA is a tool to find and annotate tandem repeats inside genomic sequence. It is able to find repeats of any length and of any period (up to a maximum period of 4000). It can find highly decayed repeats missed by other software, and it will also be able to find very large repeats in highly repetitive sequence, regardless of the size of sequence or length of repeats. ULTRA offers meaningful annotation scores and can produce annotation P-values at user request.

More at https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.06.03.597269v1