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Question: Question: How to find Operating System name using perl script?

3968 days ago

Question: How to find Operating System name using perl script?

Hi All,
Recently I started working on severs/clusters for my biological analysis. I am struggling to find the operating system(OS) detail information before running my scripts. Can you please tell me how to find OS name using perl script?

Best Answer

Well if you would like to print just the name of OS then Perl is built with a $^O variable that indicates the operating system.

print "$^O";

Moreover, If you are interested in more detail then try Config module:

use Config;
print "$Config{osname}\n"; #operating system name
print "$Config{archname}\n"; #architecture name

Other Answers

You can also OS information by the name $OSNAME if you use the English module:

use English qw' -no_match_vars ';
print "$OSNAME\n";



You can also try Perl::OSType module for this kind of problems.

use Perl::OSType ':all';
$current_type = os_type();