Genome Origami

There are several interesting factoid about our genomes, one of them is their folding. If we stretched out the DNA in a single cell, which is only a few millionths of an inch wide, it would span more than six feet. In other word, the size of six feet DNA fold themself to fit in a few millionths of an inch wide space. These DNA folding is a dynamic process that changes over time (!!). Researchers around the world have been trying to understand how DNA folds itself up so efficiently, and a recent post on the NIH Director’s Blog highlights new research illustrating how the human genome folds inside the cell’s nucleus, as well as how DNA folding affects gene regulation. The research team created this delightful video that demonstrates the principles involved using origami art.

Researchers have been working to determine how cells regulate gene expression for nearly as long as we’ve known about DNA. How, for example, do nerve cells know to turn off only nerve cell genes and turn off bone cell genes? DNA folding loops are part of the answer. This research team, which published their findings in a paper in Cell , found that the number of loops is much lower than expected. There are only 10,000 loops instead of the predicted millions, and they form on/off switches in DNA.

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