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Advertisement for post of Project Assistant in SERB-DST sponsored project @ Bioinformatics, Karunya University

Applications are invited for the post of Project Assistant to work in the following

• Title of the project: "A novel approach for the identification of key regulatory molecules and their pathways for Rheumatoid Arthritis" funded by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, Government of India.

• Project Assistant

• Essential Qualification: The minimum essential qualification would be M.Sc/B.Tech. in Bioinformatics/ Computer Science /Biotechnology.

• Salary : Rs. 8,000/month for a period of 3 years

Application in plain paper with following details: Name, Address, Date of Birth and Educational Qualifications and details of research experience with publications if any, may be sent to:

Mr. Sachidanand Singh,
Principal Investigator,
Department of Bioinformatics, School of Biotechnology and Health Sciences
Karunya University,
Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore- 641114

Ph.no: 09489677764, 09047654981

E-mail: sachidanand@karunya.edu


Deadline : 25th August 2013

Advertisement: www.karunya.edu/bioinformatics/Project%20Assistant%20in%20SERB.pdf

Salary ₹ 8,000