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No. ACTREC/Advt./ 7 /2015

Title of the Project
Research Associate
(One position)
DBTs Biotechnology/Bioinformatics training centre
PI Dr. Ashok Varma

Duration of the Project Six Months from the date of appointment, can be extended further for six month.

Date & Time: 17th February, 2015 at 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Meeting Room, 3rd floor, Khanolkar Shodhika, ACTREC

Essential Qualifications and Experience:

Ph.D. Degree in Basic Sciences from recognized University. Research experience in Bioinformatics or on gene cloning, protein purification, and crystallization.

*M.Sc. degree obtained after a one year course will not be considered.

Selected candidate will have to join at the earliest.

Consolidated Salary: Rs.28,600/- p.m. {Rs.22,000/- + 30% HRA}

The work progress of the candidate will be monitored and extension after 6 months will depend on satisfactory progress of the work.

Candidates fulfilling these requirements should pre-register by sending their application in the prescribed format with recent CV and contact details of 2 referees by e-mail to ‘program.office@actrec.gov.in’ latest by 17.00 hrs on 12-02-2015.
The interviews would be held on 17th February, 2015 and will be only for the pre-registered candidates. Candidates should report between 09.30 to 10.00 a.m. in Steno Pool, 3rd floor, Khanolkar Shodhika, ACTREC, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.
No T.A./D.A. will be admissible for attending the interview.

At the time of Interview the candidate should bring original certificates along with CV with contact details of 2 referees and submit the photocopies (attested) of the certificates, with a recent passport size photograph.

All correspondence should be strictly made only to ‘program.office@actrec.gov.in’ as indicated.

Advertisement: www.actrec.gov.in/data%20files/2015/AV-RA-DBT-28-1-15.docx

Salary Negotiable