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SRF post in NEHU, Shillong

Category: opportunity:Jobs
Condition: New
By Neel 3570 days ago

Dept of Biochemistry
North-Eastern Hill University
(A University with Potential for Excellence)
Umshing, Shillong- 793 022

Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow- SRF (1) and Junior Research Fellow- JRF (1) to be appointed in a SERB-funded major research project entitled “Biochemical and functional properties of Synechocystis Glutathione S-transferase(s)” sanctioned to Dr. Timir Tripathi, Molecular and Structural Biophysics Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, NEHU, Shillong.

Essential Qualifications: For both positions M.Sc. or equivalent with a good academic record is a prerequisite.

For Project-SRF, experience in bioinformatics/computational biology is required, which should be evident by atleast one good publication.

For JRF position, freshers can also apply.

Stipend: As per SERB norms.

Interested students can email their detailed bio-data including mobile number and recent photograph to msb.biochem@gmail.com, latest by 20.06.15. The hard copy is not required. The date of interview will be informed after primary scrutiny of the applications. No TA/DA will be paid if called for interview. For details of the research work of the PI’s group kindly visit www.ttripathi.webs.com

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Salary Negotiable