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Applications are invited for Research Associate position in the DBT Sponsored Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility at ICGEB, New Delhi.

Essential requirements: Experience of using bioinformatics tools.

Experience of working in Linux. Basic knowledge of computer network administration.

Desirable: Knowledge of Linux installation/administration and proficiency in either of the following:


Qualification: PhD. or First class M.Sc degree in Bioinformatics or Biotechnology/life science with specialization in Bioinformatics.

Fellowships: Rs 22,000/- with HRA for PhD qualified, Rs 16000/- with HRA for NET/BET/BINC/GATE qualified and 12000/- with HRA for non NET qualified applicants.

Interested candidates may send their complete biodata along with a write-up of their experience and suitability for the position to Dr. Dinesh Gupta by email only to dinesh@icgeb.res.in within 15 days of publication of this advertisement. Kindly mark the email with subject “Application for BIF-RA-2013”

Closing date for applications: 18 October 2013

Only short listed candidates will be invited for an interview at ICGEB.

No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Advertisement: http://www.icgeb.org/tl_files/Vacancies/BIF-RA-Advt.pdf

Salary Negotiable